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A. S. Morozova (Candidate of Law, Associate Professor of the Department of constitutional and international lawof the Ural Institute of Management - branch)
Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
Purpose. Identify the subjects of the law of legislative initiative in the subjects of the Russian Federation and the specifics of their participation in the legislative process; definition of general rules for drafting bills in the subjects of the Russian Federation; the identification of typical mistakes in the preparation of draft laws by subjects of the right of legislative initiative of different hierarchical levels. Methods. Retrospective analysis of the essence of the stage of legislative initiative on the basis of the provisions of constitutional (statutory) courts of subjects, the practice of implementing the right of subjects of legislative initiative in the subjects. Results. Based on scientifically based approaches, as well as their own conclusions, the features of the realization of the right of legislative initiative in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the features of their participation in the legislative process of various entities are explored. The author proposes additional regulatory and legislative norms for the development of the right of legislative initiative in the subjects of the Russian Federation and further improvement in the new conditions for the formation of Russian rulemaking Scientific novelty. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that on the basis of a comprehensive analysis of the stage of the legislative initiative and the constitutional status of the subjects of the law of legislative initiative in the subjects of the Russian Federation, some problems in the implementation and legal regulation of the legislative initiative have been identified, and proposals have been formulated to improve legislation on the implementation of the right of legislative initiative in subjects of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: legislative initiative, субъекты права законодательной инициативы, legislative process, subjects of the Russian Federation, subjects of the law of legislative initiative
УДК: 342.55
OECD: 5.05
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© Article. A. S. Morozova, 2018.