Original Article|Economic problems of local government
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L. A. Zhuravleva (Cand. Sci. (Philosophy), Associate Professor)
Ural State Agrarian University
E. V. Zarubina (Cand. Sci. (Philosophy))
Ural State Agrarian University
T. I. Kruzhkova (Cand. Sci. (Historical))
Ural State Agrarian University
O. E. Rushickaya (Cand. Sci. (Economical))
Ural State Agrarian University
The article analyzes problems and factors affecting the consumer behavior of university students in the city of Ekaterinburg. The priority is justified of researching the consumer dispositions of the youth as the innovative social group, forming the demand for the new-to-market products and establishing consumer standards of the future through the younger generation socialization. Conclusions are made about the new trends in consumer behavior of young people based on data obtained in the course of the authors' sociological research using the original methodology in September 2018. To study the problem, a comprehensive research strategy that includes quantitative and qualitative methods for collecting social information was employed. At the first stage, in September 2018, a written (questionnaire) survey of students was conducted (N = 221), at the second stage, a focus group with postgraduates from the Ural State Agrarian University. Based on the data of the conducted sociological research, the authors confirm the working hypothesis about the influence of environmental consciousness on the choice of food products. The conclusion is made about the conflicting patterns of consumer behavior and the ambivalent environmental awareness of the student youth. The research identified new trends in the model of the youth consumer behavior: disapproval of consumerism, destructive and self-destructive practices and the respondents' commitment to a healthy lifestyle, hence, the increased demand for fitness services, cooking workshops, sports and tourism goods, natural and organic food, the respondents' awareness of environmental problems both at regional, national, and global levels and the desire to be part of nature protection campaign. The author argues that students are increasingly investing in personal development and sustainable skills of environmental awareness and behavior.
Keywords: молодежь, потребительское поведение, потребительское общество, социологическое исследование, экологическое сознание, youth, consumer behavior, consumer society, sociological research, environmental awareness
УДК: 316.346.32-053.6
OECD: 5.02
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© Article. L. A. Zhuravleva, E. V. Zarubina, T. I. Kruzhkova, O. E. Rushickaya, 2019.