Innovation for the urban environment (the practice of Perm agglomeration)
Original Article|Social development of the municipality
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Evgeniy V. Rozhkov
JSC AKIB “Pochtobank” (17, Popov St., Perm, 614000, Russian Federation)
The research purpose is to work out practical recommendations for local authorities on implementing national programs of introducing innovations into the urban environment, which is essential to underpin the Perm urban agglomeration development as a completely new, innovative municipal entity. This will advance the development of the urban territory and the adjacent area of 15–25 kilometers around the regional capital. In this case, the efficiency of innovations will be seen in the urban area and beyond.

The observation method used in the research provided the framework to identify goals to be achieved, phenomena and processes to be the growth zones in the innovative development of the urban environment. The author stressed the urgent need for city sites where business representatives could offer their innovative digital services and urban environment products to local authorities. Based on the analysis, the need to improve the quality of the urban environment was revealed, which means creating conditions for involving citizens into a comfortable and sustainable urban life (social wellbeing; economic opportunities; ecological quality). The article proposes a way of unclogging the highway from the city center to the airport through building a parallel monorail highway for unmanned overhead transport and a cableway with modern comfortable cabins across the Kama river (parallel to the communal bridge).

The conclusions drawn in the article provide for the idea that first and formost, city dwellers, need to feel the shift in the existing problems in housing sector: redevelopment; high-quality major repairs; roadway replacement with innovative materials using new technologies (including drives-through); street cleaning, hands-off garbage sorting and collection.
Keywords: Perm urban agglomeration, urban environment, Innovative processes, economic impact
Article received: November 02, 2020
Article accepted: November 09, 2020
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© Article. Evgeniy V. Rozhkov, 2020.