1C:ERP – an efficient tool of the digital economy development
Original Article|Municipal finance
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Tatyana F. Shitova (Cand. Sci. (Sociology), Associate Professor)
Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (66, 8 Marta St., Ekaterinburg, 620144, Russian Federation)
Svetlana F. Molodetskaya
Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (66, 8 Marta St., Ekaterinburg, 620144, Russian Federation)
The problem of efficient use of the ERP-systems has been critical for two decades. Moreover, its relevance is growing with every coming year. The article provides a systematic description of digital technologies that can be integrated into the ERP-systems to expand the functionality of the enterprise resource management system. Using specific examples, the authors demonstrate the advantages of using digital technologies in “1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2”.

The object of the research is the ERP-system of the “1C” company. The subject of the research is the influence of digital technologies on the 1C:ERP functionality. The purpose of the research is to draw attention to the need to integrate ERP-systems with digital technologies, allowing for business management at a higher level.

In the course of researching the problem, systematic approach, methods of economic and comparative analysis were used.

According to the research findings, the use of ERP-systems along with Cloud Technology, Big Data, RPA, Mobile Technology, Digital Twin, Blockchain and other technologies provide for achieving considerable progress in business management.

The article is of a scientific and practical nature and can be useful for specialists in various fields: heads of enterprises; management personnel involved in planning and management of production processes, responsible for the rational use of production equipment, material and labor resources; employees of accounting services encountering problems of data exchange with various counterparties, the need to generate and transfer reports to regulatory authorities, the problem of storing financial information in protected data storages.
Keywords: 1C:ERP, enterprise management, cloud technologies, big data, RPA, mobile technologies, digital twin, blockchain
Article received: July 08, 2021
Article accepted: September 13, 2021
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© Article. Tatyana F. Shitova, Svetlana F. Molodetskaya, 2021.