Art collaboration as an efficient tool of the urban cultural space development
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The formation of constructive urban patriotism is a condition and consequence of the successful positioning of the territory not only on the national level, but also internationally. True patriotism is fostered in a person through exposure to cultural values, which, in the first place, are intended to be preserved and disseminated by cultural facilities that form together a single urban cultural space. The competitive environment in which cities develop requires not only the preservation of cultural heritage, but also filling the leisure time with interesting, original cultural events, an efficient tool for the implementation of which is art collaboration. The research objective is to reveal the possibilities of art collaboration in creating new cultural products that will help make the urban space more creative and competitive and develop local patriotism among the region residents, which will solve lots of municipal socio-economic problems.
The article examines the concepts of 'patriotism', 'art collaboration' and 'urban cultural space', provides modern methods of classifying art collaborations, analyzes the Ekaterinburg practice of their creation, specific features of their application for the urban cultural space development, and simulates possible problems of their implementation. Two formulas of partners interaction for the creation of cultural products are identified and analyzed: 'art and art' (for example, opening of the 'Aegida' art gallery in the Sverdlovsk Philharmonic), and 'art and business' (joint projects of 'Tele-2' telecommunications company and 'Ekaterinburg Museum of Fine Arts').
The article uses the results of the current scientific research, theoretical research methods: classification, modeling, analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison.
The research results demonstrate that the current use of art collaboration is a perspective vector for the urban cultural space development, in the creation of which the authors take an active part and plan to continue the given research in terms of exploring potential organizational forms of partnership, art collaboration algorithm.
The article examines the concepts of 'patriotism', 'art collaboration' and 'urban cultural space', provides modern methods of classifying art collaborations, analyzes the Ekaterinburg practice of their creation, specific features of their application for the urban cultural space development, and simulates possible problems of their implementation. Two formulas of partners interaction for the creation of cultural products are identified and analyzed: 'art and art' (for example, opening of the 'Aegida' art gallery in the Sverdlovsk Philharmonic), and 'art and business' (joint projects of 'Tele-2' telecommunications company and 'Ekaterinburg Museum of Fine Arts').
The article uses the results of the current scientific research, theoretical research methods: classification, modeling, analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison.
The research results demonstrate that the current use of art collaboration is a perspective vector for the urban cultural space development, in the creation of which the authors take an active part and plan to continue the given research in terms of exploring potential organizational forms of partnership, art collaboration algorithm.
Keywords: art collaboration, partnership, cooperation, urban cultural space, urban patriotism, municipal cultural facility, cultural event
ГРНТИ: 13.15.53, 13.15.55
Article received: October 27, 2021
Article accepted: November 10, 2021
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