Socio-philosophical characteristics of management activity making and development in education of antiquity
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Valentina V. Barkova (Cand. Sci. (Philosophy), Associate Professor)
South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University (69, Lenin Av., Chelyabinsk, 454080, Russian Federation)
Vitaly S. Tsilitsky (Cand. Sci. (Pedagogy))
South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University (69, Lenin Av., Chelyabinsk, 454080, Russian Federation)
Problem urgency. To understand where we are today with our own thoughts, to realize the current situation in the field of education management, it is necessary to turn to the sources of knowledge about how it all began, in particular, to the development features of the art of management as a whole and to the specifics of such phenomenon in the field of the ancient education system. Ethnography, relying on artifacts, precisely revealed that when homo sapiens became aware of themselves as living beings, not as animals, the need and meaning appeared in the life of a primitive man in the implementation of a so far primitive, but control of themselves among other, similar beings. After all, animals, insofar as they oppose humans, only live to propogate. Supplying genetic material for the offspring, their own lives have no subjective meaning as they all are in the present. Now. Everything an animal does during its life is built into the general biological meaning of the evolutionary metamorphoses of the destination ladder. The entire external world for animals is just the environment where they survive and propogate, which is the absolute law of their life. And there is only one single living being in the world who breaks this rule, and whose behavior pattern cannot be calculated beforehand. A human. The fact is that besides the natural life space which they habitate in, they start to be surrounded by the world of culture created by them as a world of specifically human way of life involving other ways of behavior and self-fulfillment. In addition, since this world doubles and triples specularly every time in every new cultural projection of the mastered world, there is cultural multiplication of the world as a multitude of its cultural reflections in the human mind. Not selectively, but entirely, and as Marx put in his time – all-objectively. The whole world becomes an object of human interest.

Research object. Among the cultural forms, in the fold of which the thought-activity canvas of human conscience was formed, educational activity and its management occupy an exceptional place. If only because the accumulated experience of the world exploration was to be passed on to the next generations in an organized and systematic way.

Main research results. The article outlines main characteristics of management activity in education,as a cultural form, and its influence on the antiquity making. Based on the philosophical and historical concepts analysis, the authors present a perception of management activity as a form of human mental activity aimed at gaining the ability for a human to consciously influence the events of their and others’ lives, to act more pointwise.

Conclusions. The article provides conclusions that management activities in a particular era offered the possibility to develop social integrity of teams, forming in each mind the actions aimed at arranging the surrounding reality, including education, which was based on the general management concept.
Keywords: education, management activity, antiquity, educational systems management
ГРНТИ: 02.41.41
Article received: March 28, 2022
Article accepted: April 01, 2022
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© Article. Valentina V. Barkova, Vitaly S. Tsilitsky, 2022.