Regulation of the transfer of ownerless real estate to the status of municipal property
Original Article|Law and Legislation
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Penza State University of Architecture and Construction (28, German Titov St., Penza, Array, 440028, Russian Federation)
Mariya S. Akimova (Cand. Sci. (Economics), Associate Professor)
Penza State University of Architecture and Construction (28, German Titov St., Penza, Array, 440028, Russian Federation)
Introduction. The trend of large-scale work by authorities on the delimitation of state property; the introduction into circulation of agricultural land plots for the development of the agro-industrial complex and land plots in settlements to stabilize the construction complex; registration of rights to extortionate property and ownerless immovable things – with the transfer of all these objects to municipal ownership, caused the need to improve both the legal regulation system and management tools. From the point of view of law, there is a need to clarify the signs of ownerless maintenance of real estate, on the part of management – the introduction of criteria for assessing the suitability of an ownerless object as municipal property. The purpose of the study is to develop an economic and legal approach to regulating the process of transferring ownerless real estate to municipal ownership and determining the prospects for its use.
Materials and methods. Current laws and regulatory legal acts; statistical and analytical information from the Federal Register of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation; open data from municipalities. The research is based on an interdisciplinary approach: legal analysis, content analysis, classification; the concept of management decisions, the economic location of the property, methods of real estate valuation.
The results of the study are to clarify the signs of ownerless real estate, to detail the process of changing the status of real estate from ownerless to municipal with a description of the nuances of each stage, to develop a model for making managerial decisions to determine the prospects for the use of municipal real estate.
Discussion. The economic and legal approach to regulating the transition of ownerless real estate to the status of municipal property consists in the economic justification of the value and usefulness of real estate for a municipality during its procedural registration from an ownerless state. Each proposed innovation will be possible to use in practice after the adoption of local regulations and administrative regulations. The results obtained can be used to further improve the legal and economic mechanisms for improving the efficiency of municipal property management.
Materials and methods. Current laws and regulatory legal acts; statistical and analytical information from the Federal Register of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation; open data from municipalities. The research is based on an interdisciplinary approach: legal analysis, content analysis, classification; the concept of management decisions, the economic location of the property, methods of real estate valuation.
The results of the study are to clarify the signs of ownerless real estate, to detail the process of changing the status of real estate from ownerless to municipal with a description of the nuances of each stage, to develop a model for making managerial decisions to determine the prospects for the use of municipal real estate.
Discussion. The economic and legal approach to regulating the transition of ownerless real estate to the status of municipal property consists in the economic justification of the value and usefulness of real estate for a municipality during its procedural registration from an ownerless state. Each proposed innovation will be possible to use in practice after the adoption of local regulations and administrative regulations. The results obtained can be used to further improve the legal and economic mechanisms for improving the efficiency of municipal property management.
Keywords: ownerless real estate, signs of ownerless maintenance, municipal property, registry, ownership, management decisions, assessment, organization of effective use
УДК: 346:342.9
ВАК: 05.01.02
Article received: February 07, 2024
Article accepted: March 16, 2024
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© Article. Natalya Yu. Karabanova, Mariya S. Akimova, 2024.
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